Cold storage

Design & produce of Freon refrigeration and ammonia refrigeration systems
cold storage
freezing tunnels,
ice banks,
ice makers,
livestock & poultry slaughterhouses,
marine and aquatic products

Air conditioning

Design & produce of commercial and industrial air conditioning systems
air-cooled and water-cooled chillers,
air conditioners,
fan coils,
unit packages,

Parking ventilation

Design & produce of smoke evacuation systems,
PLC electrical panels,
exhaust fans,
supply fans,
jet fans,
carbon monoxide sensors

Building management system

Design & produce of building energy management systems,
HVAC control,
boiler and chiller control,
Clean Room control,
temperature and pressure sensors and control valves

Power panel & automation

Design, production & implementation of cold storages power panels,
distribution panels,
capacitive panels,
power circuits,
control circuits,
industrial automation,
compressor capacity control panels


Descaling systems

Under production process

Karma Company Products

Karmayeh Sabz Kian Company was established with strong technical and engineering support with more than 25 years of experience in a new format and organizational design updated in 1398, our main goal has been to be close to the markets with the participation of customers to create efficient and economical solutions. . After more than 25 years of continuous updating today, we have more than 6 major subsidiaries and complete solutions for efficient management of industrial and commercial cooling, building energy, heating, air conditioning, parking ventilation, intelligent integrated building systems, We offer industrial automation systems, automatic facility sedimentation systems.

Karma Company Products

Karma Company is a consulting design company in the field of industrial refrigeration, air conditioning, parking ventilation and building energy management system, which provides the required consulting and design services to customers based on its extensive capabilities and extensive technical and engineering experiences.

Based on the consulting and design, suitable sales proposals are also provided to the needs of the employer in order to form a suitable technical, engineering and economic plan for cooperation in sales and implementation processes and after-sales services.

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